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How did we end up in Draivn?
September 1, 2021
Stepping into September, we are ready for the release of Draivn platform! The first version offers basic features to be tested by the inner circle of major insurers and other mobility stakeholders in the EU and US.

We still have much to do with product development, fundraising, team building, and GTM. But there’s always time to reflect on this long, intense and bold journey till now. It’s not about feeding the ego, but fuelling small teams of enthusiasts globally. Let’s see how much even a small team can do when inspired.

100 meetings with the biggest insurers (Zurich, Aviva, Mapfre, HUK, Ergo, QBE, HDI), fleet owners (ALD, Enterprise, Europcar, ARI), Tier-1s (BOSCH, Hella, Sensata) and other mobility stakeholders. Their insights allowed us to build a substantial picture of the industry and feel its dynamics.
3 new advisory board members joined the already strong team – All-Stars Theo Bouts and Reto Marta (not to be confused with Old Stars). Plus, one secret character – Codename “Crazy scientist.”
100,000,000-worth pipeline created.
1 HQ founded in the Netherlands.
12-month development plan elaborated, prioritized, and approved.
∞ of product concepts and focus niches iterated, validated, and became one – the open mobility platform for commercial fleets and vehicles.

Being on this bumpy ride, we decided to start a blog sharing the details, chronology, success stories, and even fuck-ups of our journey.

We do it for our partners, colleagues, and startup junkies to get a flavour of how products like Draivn are born and developed from scratch. In our next posts, we’ll tell the real-life story about:

Who we are, how we met each other and decided to set up a company in the very middle of a pandemic and Orwell’s “1984” in Belarus. Like when every minute you can expect somebody knocking at your door, and it will hardly be an investor.
How we found advisors, set up an entity in the Netherlands remotely, and if it taught us something more than going Dutch at a bar.
The mistakes we’ve made in the GTM, product development, fundraising, and the lessons we’ve learned from them.
Which acceleration programs we’ve joined and where they got us.

And many more real-life details from the very edge of building your own project. We will add some videos and interviews with the industry leaders so you will better understand the dynamics here.

Throughout this post we were saying “We.” We are Alex and Zahar, nice to meet you.

So stay tuned and follow us on LinkedIn for more insights.

Draivn, start-up,
open mobility, insurtech, blog
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